17 Jul 2014

Tags: linux,development

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Writting own Shell completions. Bash


Some basics of creating a completion files for own application are described in these articles.


While developing one of my projects I have wanted to add completion files. I have already tried to create these files, but I was too lazy to read some manuals about it.


Bash, unlike zsh, demands some dirty workarounds for completions. Cursory have Googled, I have not found a more or less normal tutorials, so it is based on the available pacman completion files in my system.

Lets consider the example of the same my application. I remind you that a part of help message is as follows:

netctl-gui [ -h | --help ] [ -e ESSID | --essid ESSID ] [ -с FILE | --config FILE ]
           [ -o PROFILE | --open PROFILE ] [ -t NUM | --tab NUM ] [ --set-opts OPTIONS ]

Here is a flag list:

The file pattern

Here all variables must return an array. And there no specific formats. First we declare the flags and then we describe all other variables. As I am not going to describe the functions in more detail below I remind you that _netctl_profiles() should be generated each time:

# variables
_netctl_profiles() {}

Then there are main functions, which will be called for completion of specific application. In my case this there is only one applications, so there is only one function:

# work block
_netctl-gui() {}

And finally again without isolation in a separate function we create a dependence “function-application”:

complete -F _netctl_gui netctl-gui


As it was said above there is no specific format, so all available flags declare by array:


Arrays of variables

I just give a function that looked like this in zsh:

_netctl_profiles() {
    print $(find /etc/netctl -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf "%f\n")

Bash does not allow to do so, so this function should be a little changed:

_netctl_profiles() {
    echo $(find /etc/netctl -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf "%f\n")


The variable COMPREPLY responds for completion in Bash. To keep track of the current state function _get_comp_words_by_ref must be called with parameters cur (current flag) and prev (previous flag, it is the state). Also some point for case are needed (variables want*). Function compgen is used for completion generation. A list of words is given after flag -W. (Also there is flag -F which requires a function as argument, but it gives warning for me.) The last argument is a current string to which you want to generate completion.

So, here is our function:

_netctl_gui() {

    _get_comp_words_by_ref cur prev

    if [[ $prev = $wantstring ]]; then
        # do not completion, wait for string
    elif [[ $prev = $wantfiles ]]; then
        # completion from files in this directory
    elif [[ $prev = $wantprofiles ]]; then
        # completion from function
        COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${_netctl_profiles[@]}' -- "$cur"))
    elif [[ $prev = $wanttabs ]]; then
        # completion from array
        COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${_netctl_gui_tabs[@]}' -- "$cur"))
    elif [[ $prev = $wantsettings ]]; then
        # completion from array
        # flag -S add a comma after completion, but does not enable multi-selection =(
        COMPREPLY=($(compgen -S ',' -W '${_netctl_gui_settings[@]}' -- "$cur"))
        # show all available flags
        COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${_netctl_gui_arglist[@]}' -- "$cur"))



File should be places to /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ with any name. You may found the example in my repository.