Awesome Widgets

General information
Installation guide
How to use

Report a bug

A collection of minimalistic easily configurable Plasmoids written on C++/Qt, which look like widgets in Awesome WM. Also it provides additional system DataEngine.



Developers and contributors

Special thanks:







I want note that all were tested on latest version of dependencies.

How to use

Open your Plasma widgets and select Awesome Widget.

Tips & tricks

You may use different colours inside. Just put label text into html code. See issue for more details.


DataEngine configuration

You may edit DataEngine configuration. It is /etc/xdg/plasma-dataengine-extsysmon.conf and $HOME/.config/plasma-dataengine-extsysmon.conf. Uncomment required line and edit it.

DataEngine options

ACPIPATH Path to ACPI devices. Default is /sys/class/power_supply/.
MPDADDRESS MPD host address. Default is localhost.
MPDPORT MPD host port. Default is 6600.
PLAYER Set music player. Supported players are mpd and MPRIS/DBus supported. disable will disable this monitor.
PLAYERSYMBOLS Select symbols count for dynamic player tags. Default is 10.

Widget configuration

To edit output you need open Settings window and specify output format. HTML tags work as expected.

Available flags are in the table below.

NOTE The numbering of all arrays in variables starts at 0.

Tag Description Since
$time Time in default format. For example, fri Nov 6 04:48:01 2013. 1.5.1
$isotime Time in ISO format. 1.5.2
$shorttime Time in short locale format. 1.5.2
$longtime Time in long locale format. 1.5.2
$ctime Will enable custom time format. 2.0.0
$tstime Curent timestamp 3.1.2
$uptime System uptime, ---d--h--m.  
$cuptime Will enable custom uptime format. 2.0.0
$la1 Load average over 1 min, -----. 2.4.0
$la5 Load average over 5 min, -----. 2.4.0
$la15 Load average over 15 min, -----. 2.4.0
$cpu Total load CPU, %, -----.  
$cpuN Load CPU for core N, %, -----. 1.7.0
$cpucl Average CPU clock, MHz, ----. 1.1.2
$cpuclN CPU clock for core N, MHz, ----. 1.7.0
$tempN Temperature for device N, ----. For example, $temp0.  
$gpu GPU usage, %, -----. Requies udev to be installed. 1.3.2
$gpuN GPU usage for device N, %, -----. For example, $gpu0. Requies udev to be installed. 4.0.0
$gputempN GPU temperature for device N, ----. For example, $gputemp0. Requies udev to be installed. 4.0.0
$mem Memory usage, %, -----.  
$memmb Memory usage, MB, -----. 1.1.1
$memgb Memory usage, GB, ----. 1.7.3
$memfreemb Free memory, MB, -----. 2.0.0
$memfreegb Free memory, GB, ----. 2.0.0
$memtotmb RAM, MB, -----. 1.10.0
$memtotgb RAM, GB, ----. 1.10.0
$memusedmb Used and cached memory, MB, -----. 2.0.0
$memusedgb Used and cached memory, GB, ----. 2.0.0
$swap Swap usage, %, -----.  
$swapmb Swap usage, MB, -----. 1.1.1
$swapgb Swap usage, GB, ----. 1.7.3
$swapfreemb Free swap, MB, -----. 2.0.0
$swapfreegb Free swap, GB, ----. 2.0.0
$swaptotmb Swap, MB, -----. 1.10.0
$swaptotgb Swap, GB, ----. 1.10.0
$hddN Usage for mount point N, %, -----. For example $hdd0. 1.3.2
$hddmbN Usage for mount point N, MB, -----. For example $hddmb0. 1.8.0
$hddgbN Usage for mount point N, GB, -----. For example $hddgb0. 1.8.0
$hddfreembN Free space for mount point N, MB, -----. For example $hddfreemb0. 2.0.0
$hddfreegbN Free space for mount point N, GB, -----. For example $hddfreegb0. 2.0.0
$hddtotmbN Total size of mount point N, MB, -----. For example $hddtotmb0. 1.10.0
$hddtotgbN Total size of mount point N, GB, -----. For example $hddtotgb0. 1.10.0
$hddrN Read speed of disk N, KB/s, -----. For example $hddr0. 1.9.0
$hddwN Write speed of disk N, KB/s, -----. For example $hddw0. 1.9.0
$down Download speed for active device, KB/s or MB/s, ----. 1.7.0
$downkb Download speed for active device, KB/s, ----. 3.0.0
$downunits Download speed units for active device, ----. 3.0.0
$downtotal Total recieved for active device, MB, ----. 3.1.2
$downtotalkb Total recieved for active device, KB, ----. 3.1.2
$downN Download speed for device N, KB/s or MB/s, ----. 2.2.0
$downkbN Download speed for device N, KB/s, ----. 3.0.0
$downunitsN Download speed units for device N, ----. 3.0.0
$downtotalN Total recieved for device N, MB, ----. 3.1.2
$downtotalkbN Total recieved for device N, KB, ----. 3.1.2
$up Upload speed for active device, KB/s or MB/s, ----. 1.7.0
$upkb Upload speed for active device, KB/s, ----. 3.0.0
$upunits Upload speed units for active device, ----. 3.0.0
$uptotal Total transmitted for active device, MB, ----. 3.1.2
$uptotalkb Total transmitted for active device, KB, ----. 3.1.2
$upN Upload speed for device N, KB/s or MB/s, ----. 2.2.0
$upkbN Upload speed for device N, KB/s, ----. 3.0.0
$upunitsN Upload speed units for device N, ----. 3.0.0
$uptotalN Total transmitted for device N, MB, ----. 3.1.2
$uptotalkbN Total transmitted for device N, KB, ----. 3.1.2
$netdev Current network device. 1.1.1
$bat Average battery charge, %, ---.  
$batN Battery N charge, %, ---. For example $bat0. 2.0.3
$batleft Battery discharge time, s, ---. 3.4.2
$batleftN Battery N discharge time, s, ---. For example $batleft0. 3.4.2
$batnow Battery current capacity, ---. 3.4.2
$batnowN Battery N current capacity, ---. For example $batnow0. 3.4.2
$batrate Battery discharge rate, 1/s, -----. 3.4.2
$batrateN Battery N discharge rate, 1/s, -----. For example $batrate0. 3.4.2
$battotal Battery total capacity, ---. 3.4.2
$battotalN Battery N total capacity, ---. For example $battotal0. 3.4.2
$ac Status of AC device. Returns (*) if AC device is online or ( ) if offline.  
$album Current song album. One of supported music players must be installed. 1.5.3
$dalbum Current song album with fixed symbols count shown as a running line. 3.0.0
$salbum Current song album with fixed symbols count shown with three dots at the end. 3.0.0
$artist Current song artist. One of supported music players must be installed. 1.5.0
$dartist Current song artist with fixed symbols count shown as a running line. 3.0.0
$sartist Current song artist with fixed symbols count shown with three dots at the end. 3.0.0
$duration Current song duration. One of supported music players must be installed. 2.0.0
$progress Current song progress. One of supported music players must be installed. 1.5.3
$title Current song title. One of supported music players must be installed. 1.5.0
$dtitle Current song title with fixed symbols count shown as a running line. 3.0.0
$stitle Current song title with fixed symbols count shown with three dots at the end. 3.0.0
$ps List of running processes comma separated. 1.8.0
$pscount Number of running processes. 1.8.0
$pstotal Total number of processes. 1.8.0
$pkgcountN Number of packages, which available to upgrade for command N. 1.8.0
$responseN Web response for url N. 3.3.0
$customN Get output from custom command N. For example $custom0. 1.9.0
$desktop Name of the current desktop. 2.0.0
$ndesktop Number of the current desktop. 2.0.0
$tdesktops Total number of desktops. 2.0.0
$askN Get ask for ticker N. For example $ask0. 2.2.2
$askchgN Get absolute ask change for ticker N. For example $askchg0. 2.2.2
$percaskchgN Get ask change for ticker N, %. For example $percaskchg0. 2.2.2
$bidN Get bid for ticker N. For example $bid0. 2.2.2
$bidchgN Get absolute bid change for ticker N, %. For example $bidchg0. 2.2.2
$percbidchgN Get bid change for ticker N. For example $percbidchg0. 2.2.2
$priceN Get price for ticker N. For example $price0. 2.2.2
$pricechgN Get absolute price change for ticker N. For example $pricechg0. 2.2.2
$percaskchgN Get price change for ticker N, %. For example $percpricechg0. 2.2.2
$weatherIdN Numerical weather ID. For example $weatherId0. 2.4.0
$weatherN Weather status. For example $weather0. 2.4.0
$humidityN Humidity, %, ---. For example $humidity0. 2.4.0
$pressureN Pressure, bars, -----. For example $pressure0. 2.4.0
$temperatureN Temperature, -----. For example $temperature0. 2.4.0
$brightness Screen brightness, %, --- 3.4.2
$volume System volume, %, ---. 3.4.2
$ssid Current WiFi ssid. wireless_tools must be installed. 4.0.0

Lambda and template functions

Since version 3.0.0 the main widget supports lambda functions, which are calculated at runtime. It may be declared by using ${{ }} construction:

function three()
    return 1+2;

A functions inside will be interpreted as JavaScript ones, any variables from main body is supported, thus the following function:

function colorCpu()
    if ($cpu > 90.0)
        return "<span style=\"color:#ff0000;\">$cpu</span>"
        return "$cpu"

will show $cpu value in red if it is more than 90.0, otherwise it will be shown in default colour. Any calculations are also supported:

$down - $up

will show difference between download and upload speed. Another feature provided by lambda functions is $this value which returns the last value of the lambda function. Here is a little more complicated example which will show running line “Artist - Title” with length less or equal than 20 symbols:

function runningLine() {
    var current = "$artist - $title";
    var index = current.indexOf("$this");
    if (("$this" == "") || ((index + 20 + 1) > current.length))
        return current.substring(0, 20);
        return current.substring(index + 1, index + 20 + 1);

Thus this feature may be used for example to show any custom values which will be calculated in runtime and to show different information depending on some conditions. But please keep in mind that such runtime calculation may increase CPU load.

Another feature which has been introduced with 3.1.0 is templates. It works in the same way as lambda functions, but they are calculated only once (at the start), e.g.:

function three()
    return 1+2;

will always show 3 and will not be calculated each time.

Special functions

To allow some features with lambdas and templates several internal functions have been introduced with 3.1.0. They have the same syntax: $aw_function<args>{{body}}, where args may be optional. If there are several args they should be comma separated. If you want to pass comma as arg use $,. If you want to use double brackets inside body screen them by using $, e.g. ${. Functions will be called once and before any actions.

Function Description Args Body
aw_all was introduced for debug purposes, return all keys by regexp in pretty format separator regexp for search
aw_count return count of keys by given regexp (none) regexp for search
aw_keys return keys by given regexp joined by separator separator regexp for search
aw_names return key names (i.e. without $) by given regexp joined by separator separator regexp for search
aw_macro define user macro macro name, macro arguments if any macro body
aw_macro_* (* is macro name) call of user defined macro macro arguments in the same order ignored

Advanced settings

Enable background: Uncheck to disable default background and set transparent one. Default is true.

Translate strings: Translate strings tags. Default is true.

Wrap new lines: Replace \n to &#60;br&#62;. Default is false.

Word wrap: Enable word wrap. Default is false.

Enable popup: Uncheck box if you do not want popup messages on system events. Default is true.

Check updates: Check updates on load. Default is true.

Optimize subscription: Optimize work with DataEngines. Probably you don’t want change this option despite the fact that one feature will not be available. Default is true.

Widget height: Disable automatic widget height definition and set it to this value. Default is 0 (auto).

Widget width: Disable automatic widget width definition and set it to this value. Default is 0 (auto).

Update interval: Widget update interval. Default is 1000.

Temperature units: Select units for temperature. Available units are Celsius, Farenheit, Kelvin, Reaumur, cm^-1, kJ/mol, kcal/mol.

Custom time format:

$dddd Weekday in long format.
$ddd Weekday in short format.
$dd Day.
$d Day without zero.
$MMMM Month in long format.
$MMM Month in short format.
$MM Month.
$M Month without zero.
$yyyy Year.
$yy Year in short format.
$hh Hours.
$h Hours without zero.
$HH Hours in 24-hours format.
$H Hours in 24-hours format without zero.
$mm Minutes.
$m Minutes without zero.
$ss Seconds.
$s Seconds without zero.
$t Timezone name.
$a/$ap am or pm.
$A/$AP AM or PM.

Custom uptime format:

$dd Uptime days.
$d Uptime days without zero.
$hh Uptime hours.
$h Uptime hours without zero.
$mm Uptime minutes.
$m Uptime minutes without zero.

AC online tag: Line which will be shown when AC is online. Default is (*).

AC offline tag: Line which will be shown when AC is offline. Default is ( ).

History count: Total count of stored configurations localy.


Since version 1.7.0 CPU, CPU clock, memory, swap, network and battery support graphical tooltip. To enable them just select required fields. The number of stored values can be set in the tab. Colours of the graphs are configurable too.

DataEngine settings

ACPI path: Path to ACPI devices. The file /sys/class/power_supply/.

Player symbol count: Symbol count for dynamic player tags.

Music player: Select one of supported music players for player label.

MPRIS: Select MPRIS player name. auto will enable auto selection. Default is auto.

MPD address: Address of MPD server. Default is localhost.

MPD port: Port of MPD server. Default is 6600.

Desktop Panel

Since version 1.11.0 it provides a minimalistic panel to control destops. And yes, it looks like the same panel in Awesome.

Desktop panel configuration

Enable background: Uncheck to disable default background and set transparent one. Default is true.

Vertical layout: Use vertical layout instead of horizontal one. Default is false.

Widget height: Disable automatic widget height definition and set it to this value. Default is 0 (auto).

Widget width: Disable automatic widget width definition and set it to this value. Default is 0 (auto).

Mark: Type symbol (or string) which will be shown if this desktop is active now.

Tooltip type: Select tooltip type. Default is contours.

Tooltip width: Using tooltip width in px. Default is 200px.

Color of tooltip: Colour which is used in some tooltip types. Default is #ffffff.

Pattern tags

$mark Show mark if this desktop is active. Shows spaces in other way.
$name Name of the desktop.
$number Number of the desktop.
$total Total number of desktops.

Graphical user interface


Widget (clickable)
Configuration window
Configuration window
Configuration window
Configuration window
Configuration window
