Report a Bug

General information
Installation guide
How to use

Report a bug
For developers

Qt application/library which allows users to create an issue for projects which are hosted on GitHub. It may work over GitHub or GitReport. It works fine, but it was created as proof-of-concept.

Developers and contributors




Build as a standalone application

Build as a library in your project

Available cmake flags:


I want note that all were tested on latest version of dependencies.

How to use

GitHub module

This module creates an issue over GitHub. GitHub API is used for creating issue. User should type own username and password. The typical POST request is:

curl -X POST -u user:pass -d '{"title":"A new bug","body":"Some error occurs"}' \

To disable this module use -DENABLE_GITHUB=0 cmake flag.

This module may send request using developer’s token too. Please visit this page and generate a new one. Needed scopes are public_repo (or repo if you will use it for a private repository).

Please keep in mind that passing the token in the clear, you may discredit your account.

The typical POST request is:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token token" -d '{"title":"A new bug","body":"Some error occurs"}' \

To enable this module set up your token using -DOWN_GITHUB_TOKEN=0 cmake flag.

This module requires QtNetwork module.

GitReports module

This module creates issue over GitReports. Please visit this page and set up it for your repository.

To disable this module use -DENABLE_GITREPORT=0 cmake flag. This module requires QtNetwork and QtWebKit modules.


For the developer configuration please use config.h header. Also you may load parametrs dynamically using params array (needed keys is the same as for the header

Main configuration

GitHub module settings

GitReports module settings
